Going away for a week or two this summer? Don’t forget about your plants!
You probably spent a bunch of time (and money) on all your inside and outside plants, so make sure you have a plan to have them cared for if you are going to be gone for more than a few days this summer.
If you are only going to be gone for a day or two, you could probably get away with not having a plant sitter come over and water your plants Just make sure you give them a good deep watering the morning you leave and a deep watering when you return.
If you are going to be gone for more than a few days, we highly recommend finding a plant sitter who can pop over and water your plants while you are away. Plants can die quickly during the summer heat, so it’s worth finding someone to water so you don’t come back to a bunch of dead plants after spending so much time and money on them this spring!

Not sure how to prep your house for someone to come over and water? Here are a few tips from us to help make watering while you are away easy on you and your plants!

When most people go on vacation, they don’t think about their houseplants. Houseplants usually require very little, if any, maintenance so it is easy to forget about them!
If you’re going away for a week or more, take the time to remove all of your houseplants from the bright sun. This even means pulling the ones that like the bright light back. If the days get too hot when you aren’t home, they could sunburn.
We actually recommend moving all of your houseplants to the bathtub. We promise it’s less crazy than it sounds! Moving all of your plants to your bathtub likely means the plants will be out of direct sunlight and it also puts them all in one place. This makes it easy for whoever is swinging by to water your plants! They can find all the plants to water in one place that also happens to have easy water access. It also means all your plants are in one spot for easy watering when you return.
If you aren’t going to have someone come by and water your houseplants while you are away for more than a few days, make sure the plants are sitting in a tray bigger than normal with pebbles at the bottom. Then, fill the tray with water. This gives the plant a little humidity. Before you leave, water everyone well- until water goes through to the tray.
It might be tempting to set your houseplants outside to get some extra sun before you leave or when you get home, but you should NEVER put your houseplants in the direct sunlight outside. Their foliage WILL burn. They are meant to be HOUSEplants, so keep them in the house.
If they need more light, find a window spot or a sunny place in the house to set them in to soak up some extra sun.

Next, let’s prep your hanging baskets for your time away. Take all of your hanging baskets down and put them in one area (preferably close to a hose for easy watering access) and make sure that this area has a little shade/cover to keep them out of the elements while you are away.
We recommend placing these baskets in an area with part shade. This will allow the baskets to be protected from the wind and hot sun while you are gone, but still get some light.

When you return, you’ll want to give everyone a good watering. If you aren’t sure if the plant needs some extra watering or care when you return, take some time and feel the soil first. If wet, you can leave it be. If the soil is dry, go ahead and water it.
Next, deadhead/trim any foliage that is dead or isn’t looking too hot. Deadheading and trimming helps keep the plant healthy and encourages new growth.
If you feel like your plants could use a little fertilizer, be sure to wait about an hour after a good watering before fertilizing your plants with a water soluble fertilizer (a fertilizer that mixes in water). You want to water before you fertilize to help the plant absorb the nutrients properly. Be sure to always read the directions of your fertilizer carefully.
If you ever have any questions about how to care for your plants, inside or out, visit our garden center! One of our knowledgeable staff will be happy to help answer any questions you might have!